This page contains config files’ info provided for public knowledge meant for the rclone tools. Those tools are:
Rookie Sideloader
How to use a config file:
Rookie Sideloader
Open Rookie in Offline Mode, and disable "auto update config" in settings. Close Rookie. (note: If quota messages are preventing you from changing the setting, you can do so immediately after updating)
Navigate to where you have installed rookie (probably Documents/VRP Essentials/Rookie) and open the rclone folder. Copy the config file in there, and replace the one that was there.RcloneBrowser
Navigate to the folder for Rclonebrowser (probably Docuemnts/VRP Essentials/vrp gui). Copy the file into there, replacing the existing one.Sidenoder
Copy the file anywhere. Open Sidenoder, and in settings, tell it where you have the config file.
Configuration Files
We currently do not have any 3rd Party Configurations available.
*Try checking: VRP or ARMGGDN